Sunday, January 19, 2020

Golden Light Meditation to Counter SAD

Make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down, and use whatever routine you have for releasing, relaxing and grounding. Take 5-10 deep slow breaths.

Envision a bubble of warm golden light. I like to use amber-gold (think of those bubble glass slit windows in houses built in the 70's. Or a particularly dark variety of honey) or goldenrod, which has orange tones. You may prefer primary yellow, rosy gold or a shower of golden glitter. Choose what appeals to you.

See the bubble envelop you. Soak in the color. Try using all your senses: how does this energy feel? What does it smell like? Does it have accompanying music or sound? Let the color and the warmth soak through your pores and into your muscles, bones and bloodstream. See it penetrating your heart region. Breathe it in and our of your heart area. Watch your heart light up.

When you're ready, give thanks for the energy, disperse the bubble and notice that the light in your heart remains.

As an extra exercise, visualize sending rays of golden energy to the people in your life who may need it, or to situations, places, groups or institutions that need some uplift.

The Heartmath Institute and its resources, including this book, can provide more information about the heart breathing technique.

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Golden Light Meditation to Counter SAD

Make yourself comfortable, sitting or lying down, and use whatever routine you have for releasing, relaxing and grounding. Take 5-10 deep sl...